Your Order Bump is Costing You Sales

Sue Howard, Conversion Copywriter
2 min readMar 31, 2022

An order bump is one of the fastest ways to increase average order value. Everyone says so.

Order bumps can also cost you sales. No one talks about this.

Here are 3 ways bumps can cost you sales:

1. The bump alerts visitors to what’s missing

E.g. An order bump for lifetime access to content in a paid 5-day challenge may alert visitors to what they’re not getting with the core offer. As a result, they may perceive the main offer as less valuable.

2. The bump introduces risk

This can happen when your visitor wants the bump, but the price point of the bump is too high for a spontaneous purchase.

E.g. An order bump for a $97 offer may prompt them to look for reviews or the sales page for that offer instead of completing the purchase.

3. The bump prompts them to reconsider the main offer

Introducing a new idea in an order bump may lead visitors down a rabbit hole, distracting them from buying your product.

E.g. An order bump instructing how to sell without a list for an email marketing course may leave the visitor wondering if they should focus on social selling instead.

Would you like to know if your order bump is affecting your sales?

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